St. William Catholic Parish & School

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Lenten Prayer Opportunities

Eucharistic Adoration

  • 1st & 3rd Sundays, 2-4 PM

Pray the Rosary Between Masses

  • 2nd & 4th Sundays, 11:30 AM

Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet

  • Tuesdays, 6:30 PM in Church

Morning Prayer with Communion

  • Mondays & Fridays of Lent, 8:00 AM

Stations of the Cross

  • Fridays at 7:00 PM

The Lamb’s Supper

  • Sundays 11:30 AM 

Hearing God in Prayer

  • Tuesdays, 7-8:30 PM 

Welcome, we're so glad you're here!

Welcome to St. William Catholic Parish and School located in Walled Lake Michigan.  Ours is a vibrant and welcoming Catholic community.  We hope you take a look at all we offer and come to visit for a Mass. 

Our Disciple's prayer


Lord, you fill my life with good gifts. Give me the wisdom to recognize them, to appreciate them, and to be grateful.


Thank you, Lord, for the gift of family and friends.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of Church and Parish

Thank you most of all for the gift of your Son, and the gift of the Kingdom.


Help me Lord...

·       to take time for prayer.

·       to nurture the important relationships you have put in my life.

·       to give back from the treasure you have given me for the work of the Kingdom, and for the poor.

·       to share myself in service to others even as your Son came for the service of all.


Lord, help me each day to remember that all I have belongs to you. May I use these gifts wisely for the glory of your Kingdom. AMEN.

Rev. Michael G. Savickas, Pastor

Fr. Michael's


If you really are perfectly content with what you see in the world around you, with its culture of violence, its confusion over moral issues, cancel culture, its increasing devaluation of the human person, and it’s political turmoil, well, you probably don’t need Lent…although you might need therapy. 

Lent is a time when we are called to do penance and seek a change of heart, both for our own personal failings and for those of the world around us. It’s a time to tune in more clearly to God and His plan for our lives. It’s a time to pull back, slow down, evaluate, reflect, and then get re-energized for the task ahead! 


IGNITE - Catholic Men's Conference

22 MARCH 2025


9AM-5PM   Gervin GameAbove Center  Ypsilanti, MI

Co-Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Detroit & Lansing

Gather in fellowship with hundreds of other men ages 14 and above to hear from dynamic speakers about How the Lord wants to IGNITE your spirit to live as a faithful Catholic in our post-Christian world.


This conference is not meant to simply ignite your Faith for a day, but to invite men across the diocese to build strong Christian communities in their homes, parishes, and workplaces that burn with zeal for the Lord.


Join us to connect with other Catholic men from around the state, hear from nationally renowned speakers, spend time in prayer and adoration, engage with exciting Catholic ministries, and celebrate Mass with Bishop Boyea!

Ministry spotlight

Live Streaming Mass

Can't make it to a service? Watch mass live or watch our most recent services on Facebook.
CLICK HERE for the Mass Intentions. CLICK HERE for Confession schedule.
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Adult Faith Formation

Seeking to grow deeper in your faith? Bible Studies and Small Faith Groups are available.

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Young Adult Ministry

Are you a young adult in search of more from your faith? We have a ministry just for you.

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Interested in becoming Catholic? The next session beginning Sunday, April 27-7 PM. Learn more at the button below.

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Growing With Christ In Chaos

A special ministry for young families.

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Adult Faith Formation

Seeking to grow deeper in your faith? Bible Studies and Small Faith Groups are available.

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"Faith without works is dead"

James 2:14-26, 

A Guide to "Who's Who" in our Mission Direct Ministries. 

Please Consider Serving.

As the Archbishop has told us -- there should be no one "on the sidelines."

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  • Repair & Rebuild Campaign

    Our campaign to Repair and Rebuild … can only succeed if we do this together!

    We are very close to making our goal and being able to make the necessary repairs.  PLEASE CONSIDER AN ADDITIONAL GIFT!

  • What We Hope to Achieve

    When all is said and done - this is what we will have "Repaired & Rebuilt"

    Pledge Now
Check out our Calendar to see more events!

What Our Parishioners Say

“I love our parish. It's my spiritual home and I am so thankful that I am able to attend mass here each week! It's amazing.”

Jane F.

“This community is my home. I am so happy that our parish is open, and that the Holy Spirit has led me here to belong.”

John S.

“The music is so great and the preaching is excellent. Father is a great preacher and my family really loves this place.” 

Madelaine T.

“Everyone is so friendly at our parish. It's such a blessing to call this place home and bring my children here each week!”

Sheila M.

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