According to the Catechism, “The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art.” The Lord inhabits our praises, helping us grow closer to the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit.
At St. William, we have several opportunities to serve in this area:
* ADULT CHOIR – This non- audition choir sings 4-part harmony in a variety of styles. Sight-singing ability is helpful. This choir regularly sings for Sunday 10 am mass, as well as major feasts. This group practices in the music room Thursdays from 6 – 8 pm.
* CHILDREN’S CHOIR – This group is composed of middle school students from our St. William Catholic School. The “Youth” Choir sings at the Wednesday 8 am mass (the school attends this mass each week) and on certain special days. This group practices Tuesdays at 2:05 pm.
* CONTEMPORARY PRAISE TEAM – This is a new group we hope to form. This group will minister at select masses and special ministries in the parish, such as Friday Night at the Z. Guitar, bass, keyboard and voices are needed! Practices will be scheduled depending on the schedules of the musicians.
* CANTOR – We are looking for new members of our cantor team! The cantor leads the singing at mass, especially the Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia verse. Cantors should have a confident voice!
* MASS SPECIFIC MUSIC GROUPS – We are looking for musicians/singers to help out at specific masses. Do you usually attend Saturday 4:30 pm mass? Sunday 12:30 pm mass? We are creating teams to lead most weekends at these masses.
If you are interested in joining us and lending your talents, please contact Bill Richart, Director of Music Ministry, at (989) 233-0352 or send an email to God bless you!
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