Rosary Altar Society

Rosary Altar Society

In March of 1938 twenty-two ladies met at the home of Mrs. Joanna Ware, resulting in the formation and first election of officers to the “ Ladies Altar Society.” In more recent times, both men and women are invited to be members, which resulted in the “Rosary Altar Society.”

The purpose of the Rosary Altar Society provides social activities for its members such as Advent Tea and an annual card party. The Rosary Altar Society also holds fund raising events, bake sales, and the yearly sale of Mother’s and Father’s Day cards.

The Rosary Altar Society meets monthly from April thru December, on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in Lower Zeph Hall. The December meeting is a Christmas Party , and officers are selected at the June meeting.

Help is needed for all fundraising, as well as the regular cleaning of the sanctuary area, and laundering of the linens, which are both done each Thursday of the week.

Contact Shirley Dertinger at 248-640-1177 for more information

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