St. Matthew reminds us of the words of Jesus:
“Whatsoever you do for the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you do for me.”
Matt 6:25
It is through our Christian Service efforts that we can truly bring these words to life! From Clothing and Food Drives, to our St. Vincent de Paul conference, there are numerous ways that we offer you the chance to serve your brothers or sisters in God’s name. Whether you are able to help through prayer, time, talent or treasure, know that your reward will be great in heaven!
Our service to the poor and marginalized needs to be a clear witness to Jesus our Lord, not mistaken for humanist philanthropy. Every Catholic charitable work must also be an authentic expression of Catholic faith." — Unleash the Gospel Marker 8.4, Archbishop Vigneron
PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS: Serving the needs of others.
FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS: Societies and conferences that operate for the service of the Parish.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Ministries and activities that partner with and/ or support community agencies.
LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: Supporting the elements of the Mass
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