Please join us for this Lenten Season!
We will be reading The Lamb’s Supper, by Scott Hahn.
"This remarkable book brings together several powerful spiritual realities - all of them important to the believing Christian, and all of them apparently so diverse as to superficially appear unrelated: the end of the world and the daily Mass; the Apocalypse and the Lord's Supper; the humdrum of daily life and the Parousia, the coming of the Lord."
—from The Foreword by Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel C.F.R.
In The Lamb's Supper, Scott Hahn explores an amazing interpretation of The Book of Revelation that has been almost forgotten over time. He reaches back to the second through sixth centuries to the teachings of the early Eastern Fathers of the church.
In his study of their writings, Hahn shows us the link between the celebration of the Eucharist and the end of the world. He illustrates how the heavenly worship found in the Book of Revelation is really an account of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb—a celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Beautifully written in clear, direct language, this book by bestselling Catholic author Scott Hahn will help readers see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully, enthusiastically, intelligently, and powerfully than ever before.
The book is divided into three parts: the first focuses on the liturgy of the Mass, the second interprets the Book of Revelation and the third returns to the Mass with the findings of the second part.
Please purchase the book on your own, available at Amazon, Walmart, and and Catholic Book sellers. A schedule for reading and discussion will be distributed during the first session on Sunday, March 9th. Please feel free to begin reading as soon as you purchase the book; it is an easy read. When it comes to the author, Scott Hahn, it never hurts to read the same thing over several times.
Even if you do not have time to read, you are welcome join us, watch the video, listen to the discussion and of course fellowship!
Where- The Disciples Rm
When- Sundays March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6
Sunday, March 9/ 11:30- 1:00 PM Begin in church
Sunday, March 16/ 11:30- 1:00 PM
Sunday, March 23/ 11:30- 1:00 PM Begin in church
Sunday, March 30/ 11:30- 1:00 PM
Sunday, April 6/ 11:30- 1:00 PM Begin in church
Please consider this offering as a way to grow in knowledge and wisdom of the Father and His love for us. Instead of “giving up” something for Lent this year, you can do something extra for the Lord, and for your spiritual growth.
Adult Faith Formation focuses on deepening initial conversion through OCIA to life of informed faith. It incorporates the catechetical, liturgical, and pastoral ministries. Because it is a form of evangelization, Faith Formation is a lifelong process.
St. William Parish strives to serve the parish needs of Catholic formation and spiritual development of all its members. We recognize that adults are the primary educators of the faith, and our goal is to assist them with a variety of Religious Education Programs.
We will begin praying the Rosary this weekend in the church at 11:30AM between the 10AM Mass and the 12:30PM Mass. This will take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. We look forward to praying with you. Please contact Lisa Powaser ( if you would be interested in leading the Rosary.
OCIA stands for the Order of the Christian Initiation of Adults. This the process in which one is guided and cared for as they awaken in faith and are brought into the Catholic Faith. Please join us for our next session beginning Sunday, April 27-7 PM in the St. Paul Room. Register by contacting Deacon Michael Chesley @
New Bible Studies:
Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled.
Wednesday evenings 6:30 -8:30pm in the Disciples Room
Join us, even if you are new to bible study, as we journey through Luke for the 8 week study. There is discussion and a video each week, to help us encounter Jesus in new ways and discover how His teachings fit into your life.
Call or email to participate Joanne 248 880-7473
"Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible."
Beginning Thursday, January 16 @9:30 AM in the Disciples RM
Please contact Greg and Leslie Carnacchi - 248-231-2514.
Please contact Sue Kozora for her current study which takes place on Thursday evenings, from 7-9PM in the Disciples Rm in the school.
Grief Support Ministry
The fog of grief makes it difficult to see to the other side. What is on the other side? It is different for everyone. What is known about grief is that there is the feeling of being overwhelmed, helpless, angry, depressed; you might even feel like you are going crazy.
For more information regarding this Grief Support Ministry, please contact Lisa Powaser at 313-623-8149, or email me at
St. Monica Club
Do you have a child, sibling, parent, or spouse that has left the faith or refuses to enter it? Do you feel hopeless in the battle to save your loved one’s soul? Once per month, on Monday evenings, we will gather as a faith community to call on the intercession of saints that have gone before us. For more information, please contact Lisa Powaser at 313-623-8149, or email me at
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