Prayers of the Faithful

Prayers of the Faithful

Mass Intentions for March 2nd, 2025

Confident in the Lord Jesus, who has freed us from the power of sin and death, we bring our petitions to the father.

  • For the spread of the Gospel, and that more and more we may all embrace our mission of joyful evangelization, let us pray to the Lord. 
  • For the Pope, the Bishops, Priests and Deacons and all those in spiritual authority, let us pray to the Lord.
  • For the leaders of our government: that they will lead wisely, in accord with God’s plan for our country and the world, let us pray to the Lord.
  • For the success of the peace efforts in the Ukraine and the Middle East, let us pray to the Lord.
  • For an increase in vocations to the priesthood, and that those called may respond willingly with trust in the one who calls them, let us pray to the Lord.
  • For an end to the culture of violence in our country, and for a return to civility in our political discussions, let us pray to the Lord.
  • For the blessings of a holy Lent—for our Parish and our families—let us pray to the Lord.
  • We’ll take a moment in silent prayer now for the intentions of the persons around us… let us pray to the Lord.
  • For all the sick, remembering especially Pope Francis, and also…

Dennis Suenkonis              Margie Furgason                                           Donald Campeau

Bob Dolder                        Charles Welch                                           Victor Yuhas

Pat McElmeel                   Mary Warner                                           Dennis and Mary Cotter

Dan Lessard                       Dan Emond                                           Carol Weisenberger

Marie de Jesus Arroyo      Maximo Gutierrez Hernandez

…let us pray to the Lord. 

  • For those who have gone before us, marked with the sign of faith, remembering especially Mary Stubbs-McGarry and Joan Brader, let us pray to the Lord. 

Father, you give us wisdom so that we might follow your ways. Bless us always with your gifts. Hear our petitions, for we ask them in the name of Jesus, who, with you and the Holy Spirit, live and reign as one God, forever and ever.  Amen.

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