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Faith Direct online giving allows you to make all of your contributions to St. William Parish via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card. This is a totally safe and secure way to simplify your giving – and it’s the most cost-effective, environmentally-friendly way for us to receive your gifts.
You may also enroll by TEXTING (248) 621-8822 and type the amount you would like to give in the message box.
Do you remember the woman in the Gospel whom Jesus acknowledged having given “from her poverty” while others “gave from their abundance?” She recognized with gratitude that all she had belonged to God. How often do we realize that we are merely stewards of God’s good gifts?
“In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of God’s gifts!” says Pope Francis (March 19, 2013).
When we are grateful, like the widow, for any talent, treasure, or time God has given us, we are much more generous in giving it away to others. Let us thank God for every good thing and give our gifts away for him, according to his holy will.
“Dear Lord, my blessings are abundant. My time, talent, and money are gifts given by you. I want to generously give back to you, with a heart full of gratitude. Some days, I may see what others offer you and think my offering is small. But I know my blessings are unique to me. Help me to appreciate your work in me.”
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