The purpose of the St. William Dads’ Club is to provide and promote expansion in spiritual, academic, athletic and recreational activities within the Catholic Community of St. William Parish.
We accomplish our mission by sponsoring both CYO and Lakes Area sports teams, including Baseball, Basketball, Football, Volleyball and Cheerleading. We also support St. William School activities and provide financial support to St. William Parish for special projects.
Our membership consists of St. William parishioners who are willing to donate their time and talents to achieving our goals. We raise funds by sponsoring an annual Golf Outing, selling Christmas trees, and by hosting the Lenten Fish Fry.
Meeting Schedule:
The Dads’ Club meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month in Lower Zepf Hall at 7:30 PM.
Volunteers and Needs:
Our active group is eager to welcome new members, especially for assistance in sports activities and the fish fry.
Visit the Dads’ Club Website, You can also call the Parish Office for contact information: 248-624-1421.
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