Is marriage more than you thought it would be? Have you experienced that God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and desire that can only be fulfilled in your marriage? There is wonder, mystery, and joy behind that first "I do" ... whether you are eager to say it, or you said it last year or many years ago.
St. William Parish is inviting any and all married couples to share the gift God has given you, the call to the Sacrament of Marriage, by walking this journey with those who are preparing to receive this sacrament, either through marriage or convalidation.
We are looking for Sponsor Couples who would give up one of their Saturday mornings to join a catechist in discussing a video from Formed titled "Beloved" with couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. Everything you need, you already have, your testimony of marriage. Anything else you need will be provided.
Would you please faithfully consider this invitation? Our parish community as well as the larger community needs role models to help them grow in virtue and moral integrity. Ask God if He is calling you to this ministry.
The dates to consider-
· Saturday, Jan 18, 9:30 AM- Noon
· Saturday, Feb 1, 9:30 AM-Noon
· Saturday, Feb 22, 9:30 AM-Noon
· Saturday, March 15, 9:30 AM-Noon
We are inviting you to commit only to one of the sessions. If you desire to be present for more than one, that is perfectly fine.
Lisa Powaswer ---
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